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Furniture Maintenance and Care


Leather Sofas

Leather can be easily maintained and is durable.
However, it will fade when it is in direct sunlight so it is a good idea to keep leather sofas out of the sun. Also, take careful consideration of keeping leather sofas or loveseats next to heating units or registers. Heat can dry out leather and make it brittle.

Cleaning leather is simple. Use a mild detergent and water to remove dust and topical dirt. You only want to dampen cloth; there is no need to completely soak the cloth. Always completely dry the leather surfaces that you clean in this manner.

leather Care Kit

Fabric Sofas

Vacuuming the fabric of your sofa is an acceptable way of keeping them free of dust and clean. Remember that the upholstery of sofas can soak up oils from clothing and skin over time.
It is especially important to clean before you actually notice the accumulation of dirt.

To remove stains, gently use a non-abrasive cloth with mild soapsuds. Dry immediately with a hair dryer.

Wooden Furniture

Use a lint-free cloth to polish your furniture on a regular basis.
Furniture polish may cause white smudges on the surface.
Do not place hot pans or plates directly on the top.