Wall-mounted mirror (Used) #1Wall-mounted mirror (Used) #2
ID Remy_A8010131_used_22003731
Manufacturer Others

Wall-mounted mirror (Used)

SKU 22003731
Item No. Remy Accent Mirror/A8010131  / ASHLEY
Size: W76 x D4 x H180 cm
Weight: 21.3 kg
Material: Of the galvanizing finish is made of metal

It is the floor mirror of the sash design which gave antiqued galvanizing processing.

Displayed in Azabu
List Price: ¥ 42000
Price: ¥2,900 ¥3,190 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* Delivery fee is not included in the price above.
* Please see our Rental Guide for more leasing information.

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