3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #13P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #23P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #33P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #4
ID S760SA-A2031-15A_used
Manufacturer Norheim

3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used)

Item No. S760SA-A2031-15A
Size: W201 x D92 x H85(SH43) cm
Color: Light Gray
Material: Fabric (A2031-15A)
Leg Color: polished
Leg material: aluminum

A modern style sofa with a simple design. The color is a timeless light gray that is easy to style with other furniture. The clean shape and metal legs create an urban and stylish space.

List Price: ¥ 216000
Price: ¥15,100 ¥16,610 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* Delivery fee is not included in the price above.
* Please see our Rental Guide for more leasing information.

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Manufacturer Norheim
3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used)